Joined-up HR
Joined-up HR establishes horizontal links between development and a range of other HR interventions that together increase the chance of obtaining the desired leadership outputs needed by the business.
Organisations that lack joined-up thinking risk:
- developing leaders at considerable expense, then letting them languish in unimportant functions where their talents cannot be used fully
- one department recruiting talent while another selects people for redundancy on the cost criterion rather than ability
- failing to act upon poor leaders when they become part of the problem rather than part of the solution
- pouring leadership talent in at one end of the employment pipeline, and then carelessly letting it escape at the other
Development-related issues arise at several places on the employment spectrum – phases in careers that call for optimal HR management. Besides having discrete development inputs at an appropriate career point, related considerations include:
- What leadership talent needs to enter the system?
- How can the most talented leaders be allocated to the most important jobs?
- Should newly developed leaders receive a change of job?
- What criteria are used to assess the effective practice of leadership?
- How is good leadership recognised and rewarded (and bad leadership ‘punished’)?
- What criteria are used to assess suitability for promotion to senior positions?
- What provision is made for successors?
- How is leadership talent escaping unplanned from, as well as formally exiting, the organisation?